They must be an easy way to do this but after a lot of Googling and some failures I used the following approach.
Store the HTML file in the web-app/WEB-INF folder of your grails application in a suitable subdirectory.
Where you wish to provide a link in a GSP page add the following, changing the file and dir strings as required:
<g:link controller="ServeStatic" action="index"
params="[file:'disclaimer.html',dir:'/WEB-INF/FutureLetters/legal/']" >
Our WebSite Disclaimer</g:link>
Create the Grails Controller to render the file:
package com.yourdomain
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder
class ServeStaticController {
def index( ) {
def file = params.file
def dir = params.dir
File layoutFolder = ApplicationHolder.application.parentContext.getResource("${dir}").file
def absolutePath = layoutFolder.absolutePath
def fileName = "${absolutePath}/${file}"
File newLayoutFile = new File(fileName)
def is = newLayoutFile.newInputStream()
def String exportTemplate = is.text
render exportTemplate